Self-Healing & Injury Prevention
Prioritize Mobility, Joint Stability,
Balance, & Resilience in Your Body
Welcome to Natural Mobility—empowering your well-being through a transformative approach that integrates movement therapy, injury prevention, and natural fitness.
Are you starting to realize that our culture of sedentarism and misguided attempts to compensate with overly strenuous training is only making your body more fragile?
Are you feeling yourself begin to grow beyond the ego-based motivations of training focused on "burning fat" or "building muscle" to look a certain way?
Is your inner wisdom starting to tell you that fitness is not about training to exhaustion, or making yourself feel sore? Is health, wellness and fitness really about forcing yourself through suffering and pain? Is that really healthy? Sustainable? Natural? I think not. You may have your reasons for training in a way that stresses your body, and I can respect that, but what are you doing to counter-balance the stress it imposes on your body?
Liberate yourself from pain, enhance functional strength, and unlock your innate movement potential for a life of vitality. Discover what it means to develop vibrant health and physical capability that carries you gracefully through life and helps best prevent injuries and illness through Natural Mobility treatment and training.
Natural Mobility Journal
recent mobility, wellness, & injury prevention articles
Ukemi Foundations
Injury Prevention Online Course
My Ukemi Foundations Online Course is all about developing mobility, stability, and balance, in the context of preventing injuries and while learning how to fall safely and roll.
This online course includes detailed video instruction for exercises to improve the stability and range of motion of your joints, enhance your flexibility and functional strength, develop proprioception and balance, and build a strong foundation for safe and graceful movement in daily life and any physical activities you enjoy.
This program was developed to guide to to develop your own mobility practice and lay the foundation for a balanced and capable body. The context through which we approach mobility, strength, and balance in this course is centered around building the skills of safe-falling and rolling, a core foundation of natural movement and injury prevention.